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Diagnostic imaging

Special diagnostic imaging

Radiology departments offer a significant variety of diagnostic and interventional imaging services to help physicians with patient’s evaluation and diagnosis. These diagnostic modalities are performed in a safe and efficient way to interpret and deliver results that helped to provide appropriate care for the patient.

Special diagnostic imaging modalities are:

  • Ultrasound and high resolution ultrasound imaging

  • Angiography

  • Ultrasound, fluoroscopic or CT-guided biopsy and drainage

  • DEXA scan

  • Bone scans

  • Breast imaging

  • Position emission tomography (PET) scan


CT scan

A computerized tomography (CT) scan is a study that combines a serious of x-ray imaging taken from different angles which then processed by computer to create a cross-sectional images to view bones, blood vessels and soft tissue inside of the patient’s body.  CT scan imaging provides more detailed information to compared to the plain x-rays imaging.  CT scan imaging is very important to assess patient’s that may have internal injuries from motor vehicle accidents or other types of trauma.


MRI scan

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a diagnostic imaging technique to use a magnetic field and radial waves to create a detailed image of the internal structures within the patient’s body. The MRI machines are usually manufactured in the form of tube shape magnets where the magnetic field temporarily realigning the hydrogen atoms in the patient’s body.  Modern MRI machines can produce 3-D images which can provide significant benefit in the assessment of the pathology for particular internal structures inside of the patient’s body and help with accurate diagnosis.



X-ray diagnostic imaging is a very basic, quick, painless test that produces images of the dense structures like bones and metal inside of the patient’s body. Dense materials like bone and metal will be shown as white under the x-ray imaging.  The contrast media is used to provide a greater detail on the image if needed.  X-ray diagnostic imaging provides information regarding possible fractures, infections, arthritis and possible malignancy.  X-ray imaging is considered the first step during the diagnostic evaluation when imaging is required.


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